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Thermal Analyzers, DSC, TGA, STA, TMA

Instrument Specialists Inc., offers a full line of thermal analyzers including DSC, TGA, STA, and TMA. Our instruments maintain the highest quality and accuracy. Giving our line of thermal analyzers superior performance and reliability. We strive to provide the thermal analysis community with cost effective analytical instruments.

Thermal analysis can be used to measure the energy absorbed or released as a function of time or a controlled temperature profile. Other methods include measuring weight changes as a function of temperature or time, evolved gas analysis. Measuring expansion of small components and low expansion rates of circuit boards, component materials, and much more.

This line of thermal analyzers can be used to measure glass transitions, phase changes, melting points, and heat capacity. These instruments can also be utilized to determine sample decomposition, oxidation or loss of solvent or water. To measure expansion, contraction, penetration, softening of the sample.

DSC  Differential Scanning Calorimeter  – The DSC Thermal Analyzer measures the energy absorbed or released from a sample as a function of time or a temperature. This analyzer is useful to make the measurements for melting points, heats of reaction, glass transition, heat capacity and purity determination.

DSC Literature

TGA Thermogravimetric Analyzer – The TGA Thermal Analyzer measures the change of weight of a sample as a function of a temperature profile. This method is useful for determining sample decomposition, oxidation or loss of solvent or water.

TGA Literature

STA  Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer -The STA Thermal Analyzer simultaneously measures DSC and TGA on a single instrument. The DSC sensor is suspended from the recording micro balance and the two measurements are performed simultaneously on the sample.

STA Literature

 TMA 800 Thermomechanical Analyzer -The TMA 800 is based on the proven vertical performance design utilizing an Oil Float Suspension System. Focusing on the stability needed for solid performance for coefficient of thermal expansion and other thermomechanical measurments. The TMA 800 is capable of giving excellent data on a diverse range of materials. Operating over a wide temperature and under a range of modes to provide superior performance.

TMA Literature

PDSC  Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter  – The Pressure DSC Thermal Analyzer allows for experiments to run under pressure up to 1000 PSI using various gases. This allows for samples to be tested under the conditions they will be exposed to during processing and or use.

PDSC Literature

DSC-E  Differential Scanning Calorimeter External  – The DSC-E Thermal Analyzer is a flexible instrument allowing for DSC and DTA cells to be interchanged on one easy to operate unit. Cells simply plug in and the software automatically configures the system for each cell type.

DSC-E Literature

DTA  Differential Thermal Analyzer – The DTA Thermal Analyzer measures the temperature difference between a sample and an inert reference as a function of time or temperature. This method is similar to DSC but does not quantify energy measurements; often used for high temperature work. Glass transition, phase changes, and melting points can all be measured.

DTA Literature