(262) 877-3600

TPI DTA 1700 Upgrade

The new TPI DTA1700 upgrade is now shipping. You can now convert your Perkin Elmer DTA 1700 into a modern instrument running with Windows software. By returning your DTA 1700 module the cell is removed and mounted on a new electronics base and operates just like our high temperature DTA module. This upgrade offers great cost savings with ease of operation and advanced features.

Instrument Specialists, Inc. manufactures high performance thermal analysis instruments, upgrades and parts and supplies.

Instrument Specialists Thermal Analysis

Instrument Specialists Inc, has been servicing the Thermal Analysis community for over 32 years. With these years of experience, the people of ISI have gained the trust of customers all across the globe; continually providing exceptional support services. Covering all areas of thermal analysis from analyzers to upgrades and consumables. ISI is proud to be your partner in Material Science.