(262) 877-3600

Instrument Specialists TGA and STA Thermal Analyzers offer optional heated transfer line and controller to allow for EGA (Evolved Gas analysis) using either a Pfeiffer Mass Spectrometer or a Nicolet FTIR. With the addition of either of these gas analyzers your thermal analyzer becomes a very power full tool. Contact ISI for details on these powerful systems.

Pfeiffer Mass Spectrometer

EGA (Evolved Gas analysis) with TGA and STA

Today mass spectrometry is one of the most widely used analytical methods for identifying chemical elements and compounds. With the ThermoStar benchtop analysis systems offers you the optimum and complete solutions for gas analysis. Application areas are in the chemical, semiconductor and metallurgical industries, as well as in fermentation, catalysis, laser and environmental analysis. The ThermoStar excel at reliably identifying and quantifying gas levels. In the case of condensable gases, even low concentrations can be determined swiftly and easily.

The ThermoStar analysis systems consist of an inlet system, a PrismaPlus mass spectrometer, a dry diaphragm vacuum pump and a HiPace turbopump. They feature a heated, temperature-regulated gas inlet system and, by comparison with such competing methods as FTIR and IR, are suitable for qualitative and quantitative analysis of gases. The units cover the mass ranges of 1 to 100 amu, 1 to 200 amu and 1 to 300 amu. Its capillary inlet enables a quasi segregation-free gas supply. A pressure-regulated gas inlet is optionally available for analyzing samples at varying pressures.

Nicolet FTIR